If you've worked the morning shift for sometime now I'm pretty sure your aware of the "hour of doom." That's right, the hours between 2 and 3 pm is usually the hurdle you have to get over in order to conquer the rest of your work day. For some reason when the clock strikes 2:00 your body decides it wants to give up on you, you become drained, your digging in your desk for a snack or anything that can boost your energy. Day after day, week after week you dread the midday fatigue. So, what do you do? Listed below are some brief tips on how to boost your midday energy in order to close out your day strong.
1.) Get your rest (On average 7-8 hours is what the body needs for a good night's rest. When your well rested you become more alert, energetic, spur creativity, less cranky and have a more positive attitude, You'll also are more refreshed and willing to take on dreadful projects that arise in the afternoon hours)
2.) Exercise in AM (Start your day off in a better mood and jump start your brain early on. Morning workouts free up your evening and gives you more time to get rest and prepare for the next day. A good night rest and early morning workout will improve your overall performance for most of the day.
3.) Take a afternoon coffee break (Coffee isn't just meant for the morning. If you're well rested and put in a good workout you may be able to ditch the morning coffee runs. If still needed drink a half cup in the morning and keep the other half on standby for the afternoon. The last half will get your blood circulating again, perk you up and allow you to become sociable when afternoon networking functions are on your agenda)
4.) Energy boosting snacks (There are a number of snacks that can give you immediate energy. If your not a coffee drinker and for some reason you weren't able to get your 8 hours of sleep then every 2 hours you should consider the following snacks: whole grain protein bar, bananas, almonds, trail mix, popcorn, berries, yogurt,low-fat cottage cheese, dried fruit, wasabi peas and tomato juice)
5.) Power nap (Lunch breaks aren't just for eating. Taking a 20-30 minute nap during the middle of the day can help you avoid "the hour of doom". You'll have a burst of alertness during afternoon meetings, less mistakes and accidents when working on afternoon projects. You'll even have more energy and wont't be tired from driving home from work.)
6.) Music (For the most part music can put you in a better mood. When your having a bad day it can soothe your soul, relax your mind and allow time to think through situations. During the workday if you're handling a repetitive and boring task music will allow you to enjoy the job more. For jobs that require more attention classical or instrumental music will enhance mental performance)
7.) Small talk (Sometimes when your energy is at a all time low you have to get up and move your body. At times going to the bathroom and splashing your face with water or a coffee break may help. For those who prefer neither then why not enjoy a little small talk. If you're peers or staff aren't to busy stop by and discuss weekend plans, talk movies or favorite restaurants. No matter the topic you want to bond with the people you spend the most time with.)
8.) Take a walk (15-20 minutes a day of walking outside the office will definitely put a pep back into your step. A nice walk can take your mind off problems that may exist in the office and mother nature will allow you to relax your nerves. A afternoon power walk will help you end your day off on a more positive note, make you more optimistic, enthusiastic and also reduce stress)
9.) Call someone special (Believe it or not but speaking with your spouse, children or grandmother can give you the boost of energy you need to close out the rest of your day. When you speak with someone who encourages you, makes you smile and laugh you become more appreciative and feel like you can conquer the world.)
Something New Staffing & Training Services focus for our clients is producing quality employees who are skilled, productive, problem-solvers and professionals. As your needs change, we will be happy to help you evaluate those needs and offer you the services that will help you achieve your staffing goals. Please feel free to contact us.
Something New Staffing & Training Services
300 Delaware Avenue
Suite 210
Wilmington, DE 19801
Office: (302) 983-1896
Hours of Operation: M-F 8:30AM-5PM
"We don't just place, we help"